Key Facts
- With a stronger flavour it’s ideal for lamb recipes.
- Easy to grow
- Takes about 3 months to grow
- Originally from Europe & the Middle East
- Stronger flavour than the spearmint variety.
- Often used in desserts or tea -especially good for lamb dishes.
- Days from seed to harvest – about 90 (3 months)
- About 30 to 45 cm high

Example peppermint recipes
When you grow peppermint seeds you will notice it has a stronger flavour than spearmint.
Which is why its often used in desserts or in tea – but it’s especially good for lamb dishes. But if you like the ‘mint’ flavour then you can use it exactly the same way as spearmint (although for some dishes it can become slightly overpowering)
Typical recipes:
- Italian Roast Leg of Lamb (see video)
- Chocolate mint leaves
- Fresh Mint Cake with Dark Chocolate Mint Frosting

How to grow peppermint at home
Peppermint is fun & easy to grow.
Sow the seeds from Feb – July on the surface of a good quality moist seed compost and lightly pres the seed into the surface DO NOT COVER THE SEEDS
Place the tray inside a propagator or Polythene bag until Germination occurs. Germination should take between 7 – 21 days at a min temp of 21 Deg C.
When the plants are large enough to handle Transplant on into 3 ” pots prior to finally planting out in a semi shady position. Mint plants grow prolifically and will spread out underground to make new growth.
If you do not wish for Mint to spread it is best grown in a container that will not allow the roots to spread out.

Seed or Plant
Quick guide:
- Plant in individual pots
- Optimal growing temperature is 15 to 20 ºC
- And full sunlight or high levels of artificial light.
It’s nice, especially with lamb, but might me to overpowering for lots of recipes