Sports geek or Classy runner
Sports geek or classy runner ?

What you wear is what you are..
When it comes to trail running there is a huge difference between the sports geek, and the classy runner.
There is a lot of ‘snobbery’ with runners – where some runners simply need to have the latest Nike or Adidas tops to feel good. Yes, they might be effective but really ?
Do you want to follow the herd ..
The Classy Runner
On the other hand if you want to really look good than wear clothes that make you feel good.
And no, that old and loved t-shirt simply won’t do –
When you look like a slob you run like a slob.
The key to looking good (and feeling good) is to focus on 4 key elements :
1. Your Running top..

Strangely enough the first item most people will notice when you are running is your top (and then your face).
Which is why your top will be so important.
There are 2 options you could try:
1a On regular training runs..
This is your regular training session, often close to where you live and a good chance you will meet people you know. So quite simply, you want to look your best.
If you haven’t mastered the sexy running technique yet, make sure people (when they see you) ask about the unique top you were wearing.
For example the exclusive Japanese Evisu top (shown right) will make you stand out, looks absolutely fantastic when you are running and a great talking point.

1b Events or Competitions..
On the other hand, when you are taking part in longer events then specialised tops will help you get better results.
The nylon t-shirts shown above are great for practice but for competitions or events you will need to wear tops that are light and designed to help you get maximum results.
For example something like the Swiss engineered x-bionic pullover (shown right) is the ultimate in running wear.
– and have the sports geeks salivating with jealousy !!!
2. Your face

The next item people usually look at is your face. (to see if they know you)
Just make sure you ‘look presentable’ but don’t worry to much – you will be ‘in the groove’ and focussing on your running. (And won’t, or shoudn’t have time to stop for a chat !)
However – do note that you should be ‘running in your own bubble’, which is why listening to music is such a great idea.
Spotify have a great option for linking your running speed to the right music – try something like the ‘moove’ (shown right) to work out your running speed.
3. Your legs

And no, as you probably already guessed trackies (tracksuit bottoms) simply won’t do – even if they have the latest ‘designer’ logo on it.
You are either a classy runner or..
- If it’s warm wear shorts – you want to show off your legs. (also helps with getting them tanned)
- If it’s cold wear specialised running trousers – but again don’t follow the herd ! For exampe the gore trousers (shown right) are ideal for any type of weather and will also help you stand out.
4. Running Shoes

We’ve put this last, but for running it’s the most important element.
Don’t just put on your old trainers and set off – the right running shoes will make all the difference to the way you run, the results you will get and how comfortable your running will be.
Similarly the type of shoes you use need to reflect where you run, for example if you do trail running then your shoes tend to have more knobby soles so giving better grip and support than normal running shoes. (if you go running on the road).
For example the salomon trail running shoe (shown right) is a specialised running shoe ideal for all surfaces
Specialist Shoe Shop..
If you can do spend the money and go to a specialist running shoe shop – as they will be able to measure your natural running stance and recommend the right shoes.
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