Oregano tea recipe
A key advantage of making oregano tea is that it will have a lovely flavour and is really good for you.
It’s easy to make and ideal as:
- A delicious healthy tea
- To help with colds, head ache, digestive issues, etc..
Fresh oregano is great for making tea. The recipe below shows how to use fresh oregano to make sweet oregano tea – but oregano is also used in lots of recipes (many Italian & Greek recipes use it)

How to make oregano tea
- 4 tbsp Oregano leaves
- 1 tbsp Honey
- 200 ml water
- Kettle
- Chef’s knife
- Pick the oregano leaves and chop into smaller bits
- Add the leaves to 200 ml boiling water
- Leave to stew for 5 minutes,
- Pour through a sieve and then add the honey
- Enjoy when still warm.
Why this tea is so good for you
2 items to focus on:
Item 1 – Use fresh oregano
Oregano is very healthy
Oregano is one of the ‘super’ herbs with a long list of health benefits. For example the webmd site mentions its anti-inflammatory & antioxidant, properties. Oregano tea is used to help with headaches, cough, flu, backpain, etc, etc.
However it is very important to realise that many benefits (& flavour) are reduced during the drying process, which is why growing fresh basil is such a good idea.
Very easy to grow at home
It’s not very difficult to grow your own at home – even indoors (in your kitchen, spare bedroom, garage, etc.
The picture on the right shows oregano which was grown in my kitchen, and simply moved outdoors into the garden.
Oregano will grow very fast and you will be able to use it in your recipes on a regular basis.
There is detailed description of the – indoor herb growing system

Item 2 – Jug or cafetiere and/or tea infuser?
I prefer using a cafetiere as it’s easy to use – simply push down the filter when you want to use it.
An alternative option is to use a jug or wide bottle and a tea infuser. Put the Thai basil leaves in the infuser and add the lemon and honey later.
For example the one pictured on the right is easy to use, and can also use it to make an iced oregano tea, fruit drinks, etc.

Oregano tea
- 1 Kettle
- 1 Chef Knife
- 4 tbsp Fresh Oregano
- 1 tbsp Honey
- 200 ml Water
- Pick the oregano leaves and chop into smaller bits
- Add the leaves to 200 ml boiling water
- Leave to steep for 5 minutes,
- Pour through a sieve and then add the honey
- Enjoy when still warm.
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Herb Tea Recipes
Below are example herb tea recipes made using fresh herbs.
The advantage of growing your own herbs is that they are local (no transport pollution), fresh and available. Fresh herbs are really easy to grow both indoors and outside – follow the links in the recipes for more info.
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