How to put on weight
By following the right diet plan to put on weight you should be able to see results quite quickly.
Whether …
- You have been underweight all your life,
- Lost weight recently,
- Or eats lots or little.
The key is to follow a plan that will work for you.

For success in 30 Days focus on 3 Key items
- Add extra calories (For example using weight gain shakes or smoothies),
- Select the Right Foods,
- And/or Training in the gym.
Anyone can achieve fast and lasting weight gain, whether you have been underweight all your life, lost weight recently, eats lots or little – you can “fill out”.
However before you spend any money on drinks, gym membership or start changing your diet. The key to your success will be to clearly identify the reasons you are not gaining weight. Because we have helped so many people we have found you will succeed if you focus on these 3 key items:
1 Find out….. if absorption is stopping you gaining weight.
One of the key “basics” is to make certain that your body is absorbing the maximum amount of nutrients from all the food you are eating.
Otherwise it goes in one end and…. (you get the message)
A condition called negative nutrition affects your ability to absorb nutrients from food.
If you are not absorbing to the max then you won’t be getting the maximum benefit from the food you eat. You can eat and eat but if your body isn’t absorbing nutrients you won’t gain weight.

(What causes negative nutrition? Absorption can be affected by many factors:
- Are you a smoker?
- Coffee drinker?
- Drink alcohol?
- Eat fast food?
- Eat processed food?
- Do you suffer from stress?
- Drink Fizzy Drinks?
- Take prescription medicine?
- Have you tried gaining weight before without success?
The starting point to your plan is to make certain that every item of food you eat or drink will help you gain weight.
Otherwise you can easily spend a fortune on weight gain drinks and not have any benefit. Your first action point is therefore to find out :
Do you need to worry about your current absorption rate or is it ok ?
- If your absorption is not great then what key steps can you take to boost absorption rates ?
- Did you know that often it is just simple changes that can make a significant difference to your absorption?
2 Find out….. what you need to eat and when.
Do you need to add weight gain drinks to your diet ?
The internet and health food shops tend to be ‘awash’ in every type and variety of drink. High calorie / protein / etc., you name it they are all there.
Don’t be mislead by the pictures / claims on the label etc. Many of the drinks will only work if they are taken as part of an exercise regime (i.e. weight training).
If you want to gain muscles and shape follow the advice given below in key item 3
If you want to gain weight all over then try to select as healthy a weight gain drink as you can – it will help you achieve optimum results.

For example items like a Herbalife Formula 1 extra calorie shakes (available from Amazon). However you might not need to buy any weight gain drinks whatsoever.
However – before deciding to invest in products you need to
focus on 2 key items.
- Firstly you need to find out exactly how much you need to be eating to put on weight.
- All the figures quoted in magazines, websites, etc are meaningless if they don’t apply to you!. A six foot athlete, with a very physically demanding job in his late teens will need to consume significantly different amounts of calories to put on weight, than a 5 foot office worker who doesn’t take part in any sport.
- The key is to find out exactly how much you need and then compare this to your current intake. It could be you are already eating enough but that other factors are slowing down your weight gain.
- Secondly you need to focus on what you are eating.
- Often just very simple changes in what you eat and when can have a major impact. Don’t be mislead by all the wrong well meant advice from friends and family i.e. high fat / high sugar / etc. foods.
- If you know exactly what to eat and when you will get far better results (you will also help your health in the long term !)
3 Want to Gain Shape ?
Using items 1 and 2 you will gain weight all over.
When you start gaining weight your natural body shape will influence the plan you need to follow – if your diet (or adding drinks) are all you require as you will naturally gain it all over.
Or do you need to do some exercises to make certain you put in on in the right place. However if you go weight training (or do any other sport) you need to follow a sports nutrition plan to help prevent your body draining energy.
The key is to find out exactly what you need to be eating, and when, to get best results in the gym or for putting on weight.

Like to go to the Gym, or do sport, but concerned about losing weight?
It is important to eat and drink the right foods / drinks at the right rime. i.e. a mix of slow and quick release carbohydrates. high quality protein and essential nutrients
In addition, the weight training plan you follow will be crucial to your success
Your local fitness instructor might be able to provide advice (but do check what experience he has as most tend to specialise in weight loss).
The Three Quickest Ways you can put on weight
Find out what is preventing you gaining weight.
If you are not absorbing all the nutrients from the food you eat, then you are wasting a lot of money and benefits.
The key is to do a ‘health and wellness’ assessment to find out exactly your current status, and if (or how) the changes needed to improve your absorption rates.
Find out what you need to eat and when.
Firstly you need to find out exactly how much you need to be eating for best results.
Secondly you need to focus on what you are eating. The healthier you are, the more success you will have in gaining weight.

Resistance Training
Resistance training (weight training) will significantly help you with your shape and muscles. Please note there is a major difference between aerobic sports (running, football, etc.) and resistance training. The former will drain your system just as quick but won’t help you build muscles.
How to start
There are 2 options you can use:
1. Weight gain products
A number of the weight gain shake recipes on this site use shake mix powder.
Sorry we don’t sell them but an easy option is to get them from Amazon

2. Make your own shakes & smoothies
Making your own weight gain shakes at home it not difficult, and will work out a lot cheaper.
For example recipes have a look at the weight gain shake recipes